Condensed Vesta

Secondary state of Primal Vesta

Condensed-VESTA, the secondary state of primal VESTA, represents the essential building block for creating Blessed-Vesta and is exclusively attainable by achieving Major Liquidity Provider or Major Liquidity Owner status in Vesta Token rewarding farming activities.

What it means to Minor/Major Liquidity Provider/Owner is described below.

Minor/Major Liquidity Provider

A Major Liquidity Provider refers to any entity that offers a substantial amount of liquidity within a Liquidity Pool, and whose LPs qualify for Vesta Token farming, provided they exceed the Account Dominance Point computed for that Liquidity Pool.

A Minor Liquidity Provider is by contrast any entity similar to the entity described above, that falls with its liquidity below the same Account Dominance Point computed for that Liquidity Pool.

Minor/Major Liquidity Owner

A Major Liquidity Owner refers to any entity that has staked a substantial amount of liquidity within any VAULT™, provided they exceed the Account Dominance Point computed for that VAULT™.

A Minor Liquidity Owner is by contrast any entity similar to the entity described above, that falls with its liquidity below the Account Dominance Point computed for that VAULT™.

The Dominance Point

The Dominance Point is the liquidity threshold computed for a Liquidity Pool or VAULT, that serves as the border between Minor and Major Liquidity Provider/Owner.

The Dominance Point comes into effect once a Pool or VAULT™ surpasses 1000 $ in liquidity.

The Dominance Point is determined by the following formula, which adjusts proportionally with the total Pool/VAULT™ Value in dollars (Pool/VAULT™$):

  • Scaling.Factor = 1+Pool/VAULT™$(in Thousands)/1000

  • Scaling.Logarithm = 2+5/Scaling.Factor

  • Scaling.Numerator = 25+75/Scaling.Factor

  • Base.Threshold = Scaling.Numerator/[Logarithm in base(Scaling.Logarithm) from (Pool Value in $)]

  • Final.Threshold = Base.Threshold * [(10 - Elite Tier Level)/10]

Account Dominance Point = Final.Threshold

For Farms

In the context of Farms, an user's Account Dominance Point within a specific Farm is determined by their Virtual LP (VLP), which is calculated as a permille relative to the total Virtual LP (VLP) across the entire Farm's VLP. This calculation involves the Farms Pool TVL value in $. It is noteworthy that achieving this threshold is approximately 2.5 times more achievable when contributing liquidity in the Elite Mode, in contrast to the Standard Mode, within the Farm.

As a consequence, the differentiation becomes more evident: Minor Liquidity Providers will accumulate exclusively Raw-Vesta as their Virtual LP (VLP) stays below their Account Dominance Point for the Farm. In contrast, Major Liquidity Providers will derive a dual benefit—Raw-Vesta for their VLPs up to their Account Dominance Point and Condensed-Vesta for their VLPs exceeding this threshold.


The same is true for VAULTs™ the only distinction being that the Account Dominance Point for the VAULT™ is determined by the TVL in $ in the Vault.

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