Conclusions and RULES

In summarizing the system, the following key conclusions emerge:

  1. Conclusion: When the Joint Liquidity Pool reaches full capacity with Staked LP tokens, participants can anticipate earning approximately half of their rewards in Vesta and the other half in Blessed Vesta. No sVesta or fVesta can be earned this way.

  2. Conclusion: Participants have the ability to pool their Staked LP tokens, SFT Boosters, and Elite-AURYN, thereby unlocking the potential for a higher yield than what could be achieved individually.

  3. Conclusion: The yield they receive is not only contingent on their contributed assets but also on the total VLP held within the pool.

  4. Conclusion: Participants who solely contribute Staked LP tokens benefit from the presence of Booster SFTs in the pool but do not gain from the Elite-AURYN staked in the Pool. They can tap into pool DEB benefits only if they contribute their own Elite-AURYN.

  5. Conclusion: Those who choose to participate solely with Booster SFTs can anticipate rewards that scale with the volume of VLP in the pool.

  6. Conclusion: Participants who exclusively contribute Elite-AURYN can expect rewards that scale with both the VLP and the presence of Booster SFTs in the pool.

  7. Conclusion: The number of Joint Liquidity Pools that can exist is directly influenced by the size of the vEGLD-Based Liquidity pool in terms of dollars. This relationship is governed by the Whale Threshold, which scales inversely with the value of the vEGLD-based Liquidity pool in dollars. In simpler terms, the larger the vEGLD-Based Liquidity pool in dollars, the greater the capacity for accommodating multiple Joint Liquidity Pools for a given Token that is paired with vEGLD.

  8. Conclusion: Given the illustration of qualitative earnings calculations, it's important to note that the additional Vesta rewards generated by the Joint Liquidity Pools are not expected to have the potential to decrease Vesta's price. Instead, their primary purpose is to enhance farming yields with the earned tokens. This aligns with the main function of Vesta tokens, which is to facilitate earning rewards within the VestaX.DEX™ platform. This is primarily because a significant portion of the rewards generated within the Joint Liquidity Pools would be in the form of Blessed Vesta tokens.

  9. Conclusion: The prerequisites for establishing Vesta-based-Liquidity Joint Liquidity Pools are less stringent compared to non-Vesta-based-Liquidity Joint Liquidity Pools, leading to the expectation that there will be a higher number of the former than the latter.

  10. Rule: Pool owners are required to allocate a portion of their Elite-AURYN when initiating the Liquidity Pool. This allocation affects their progress towards achieving Elite Account thresholds, as the Elite-AURYN they contribute to the pool at the outset will no longer be considered in the calculation of their Elite Account level. This rule applies uniformly to all participants who contribute Elite-AURYN to the Joint Liquidity Pool, as the Elite-AURYN staked in this context is no longer factored into their Elite-Account level.

  11. Rule: The Joint Liquidity Pool Patron does not impose any fees on the participants of the pool. Instead, the creator stands to earn an additional allocation of Vesta, received as Blessed Vesta, equivalent to their individual Elite Account Tier percentage. To illustrate, if the pool generates a total of 100,000 Vestas (combining native Vesta and Blessed Vesta) for participants daily, and the Pool owner holds an Elite Tier 4 status, they will earn a daily bonus of 4% from this amount. This bonus is provided separately as Blessed Vesta, equating to 4,000 Blessed Vestas per day.

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