This gitbook Page aims to describe the way the Admin Distribution Panel is suppose to be created and function
An Admin Distribution Panel must be created through which the Admin can perform all the necessary Token Distribution work needed to distribute tokens to their recipients.
The Admin Panel has the following 3 Main Pages:
1)The Token Distribution Panel
Here the Admin can choose from:
Vaults Distribution
Injection Profiles,
to distribute Rewards.
2)Daily OUROBOROS Pie Setup
Here the Admin can freely choose and manipulate how many targets the daily OUROBOROS distribution has, and how many % each target is set to receive when the daily distribution is executed (either automatically or manually)
3)Vault Distribution Setup.
Here the Admin can freely choose and manipulate the following Reward distribution for Vaults:
3.1)DEX Fees Rewards Split for the 4 Vesta Vaults that distribute DEX Fees:
DEX Fees Distribution (vEGLD, OURO, USDC, or any other Tokens that are yielded by the DEX Fees for Vesta Vaults.). The setup is the same for all the tokens Involved. The Admin can change the percent for all the 4 Vaults that are involved in DEX distribution fees, current setup is:
Capital Vesta VAULT™: 10%
Auxiliary Vesta VAULT™: 10%
Blessed Vesta VAULT™: 20%
Chimeric Vesta VAULT™: 60%
Here the currently set up % must also be displayed, for these 4 Vaults.
3.2)Precious Metals, Cryptocurrency and Foreign Tokens Split for the Vesta VAULTS that distribute them:
GOLD (GSC) Vault Split:
Capital Vesta VAULT™: 35%
Blessed Vesta VAULT™: 65%
SILVER (SSC) Vault Split:
Capital Vesta VAULT™: 35%
Blessed Vesta VAULT™: 65%
Bitcoin (wBTC) Vault Split:
Crypto Vesta VAULT™: 75%
Blessed Vesta VAULT™: 25%
Ethreum (wETH) Vault Split:
Crypto Vesta VAULT™: 75%
Blessed Vesta VAULT™: 25%
Foreign Tokens Vault Split:
Chimeric Vesta VAULT™: 75%
Blessed Vesta VAULT™: 25%
Last updated