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Coding Division SFTs represent the tokenization of the Company's own Blockchain Development and Coding Division. The collection ticker is DHCD-bc9963
5000 Units were minted on Oct 21, 2022, with 500 times 10 individual SFTs, each representing a Coding.Division™ Character.
Owning one of each variant makes for a full SET.
As the 1st Demiourgos.Holdings Subsidiary, the Coding.Division™ SFTs collection has a privileged spot among all the company's subsidiaries.
Due to blockchain restrictions, these profits will be distributed initially only to :
Wallet SFTs (non SC addresses)
until Subsidiary Staking is live. Afterwards, only the staked SFTs in Subsidiary Staking will count for the Native Rewards.
As a Demiourgos.Holdings™ Subsidiary, the Coding.Division™ will earn as income 10%-25%(depending on specific) of the value of any project it will help develop. Before these profits can be given to the Coding Division Beneficiaries, Coding.Division™ may use part of this income for maintance or salaries. What remains will be given as rewards to coding Division Beneficiaries.
The Coding.Division™ Beneficiaries are
Demiourgos.Holdings™ Shareholders - 50%
Coding.Division™ SFT Owners - 50%
These earnings are not affected by DEB™. Each SFT will earn the same amount.
Staking Coding Division SFTs in their very own Subsidiary Staking SC, makes the CD SFTs eligible for earning a chunk of the 15% of the daily Snake Token Emission reserved for Subsidiary Staking. Earnings are distributed in the Ecosystems' "reward token", AURYN, created at the daily Auryndex™, from 15% of the daily Snake Token emission.
Earnings are based on a subsidiary Score, weighted by DEB™, which is then compared to the Total Subsidiary Score of all the persons involved in subsidiary staking.
The Score mechanics is as follows:
1 CD SFT = 5 Subsidiary Points 1 Full Set of CD SFT = 75 Subsidiary Points (50% bonus for a set).
As these Earnings are affected by DEB™, they scale with Elite Account Tier.
The Royalties accumulated through trading are used to generate further rewards for the Coding.Division SFTs owners, using the following steps:
Royalty funds are converted to vEGLD-Vesta-LP using the most efficient swapping path and are then staked in Elite Mode in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX.
Rewards are minted as 20-year sVESTA on a weekly basis and added to the Vesta-VAULT™
Here they will generate the following rewards:
Liquid VESTA Tokens.
vEGLD/USDC as DEX Fees distributed to the Vesta-VAULT™ (0.4% of the 2% DEX Fees are injected monthly as rewards to the Vesta-VAULT™ for all Vesta-VAULT™ participants)
GSC Rewards.
The rewards above are delivered monthly, split equally between all CD SFTs, and they are unweighted by DEB™
Coding.Division™ owns 400 Silver VestaX™DAO SFTs and these bring 2 advantages:
Staked in the "Single Individual Mode", they provide a 11x Multiplier potency for the Primary Benefits.
All rewards that are generated by these 400 SFTs (see next page for Vesta SFT Rewards), are distributed to the SFT Owners, based on Subsidiary Score, unweighted by DEB™.
DHCodingDivision: DHCD-bc9963