
OUROBOROS Emission Mechanics

As previously mentioned, the originally planned initial emission of 490,000 OURO was adjusted to 294,268 OURO Tokens due to lower-than-expected presales, which accounted for approximately 10% of total sales. Consequently, the immediate impact of this adjustment is a significant rise in the expected Annual Percentage Rate (APR) from Autostake for the first year, surging from the initial projection of 20-30% to a range approximately around 100%.

The initial OUROBOROS Minting-Supply of 490.000 OUROBOROS was to be distributed as follows:

Roughly 195,732 OURO out of the remaining 223,000 OURO underwent a burning process. Additionally, approximately 27,000 OURO was distributed among various Demiourgos Donors (as 2 year Vested Elite-AURYN) who generously contributed their assets to giveaways organized by the company, commencing in October 2022. Notably, this distribution included 30 Snake NFTs that were awarded as prizes in the Bloodshed Lottery.

Treasury started with 112.000 OURO, Liquidity Funds to be used for creating various liquidity pools was set at 70.000 OURO, and the Development funds at 49.000 OURO

Emission Numbers

Considering the emission form factor, the following are the anticipated emission numbers for the upcoming years:

Last updated