OURO Supply

Currently the OURO daily Emission from the OURO Factory SC: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqpgq9lkcs2lxhn3czdks33jhrsl773wn2h6vyl5skxgeu9

is happening on the MultiversX Blockchain. Therefore the TOTAL CURRENT circulating supply can be seen by opening this MultiversX Explorer link:

OURO Circulating Supply

Ethereum ERC20 OURO Supply

For Uniswap listing a portion of OURO Token had to be moved on the Ethereum Network as an ERC20 Token. In order to facilitate this migration of OURO Tokens to the Ethereum network, a Deployer Ethereum Address:


deployed an amount of tokens equal to the Total Theoretical Maximum Supply of 10.000.000 OURO; The Token Contract on the Ethereum Blockchain being:

How many OURO Tokens are on the Ethereum Network

The amount of Tokens circulating on the Ethereum Network is given by the following formula:

So if the Deployer Ethereum Address (0x68ecB81DaBddF7B590e57F20463aae70412b2cf8) has 10 million Tokens, it means there are ZERO Ouro Tokens circulating on Ether.

The Ethereum Circulating Tokens are kept aside on the following MultiversX Address, called the Ethereum Locker ERD:


Ethereum Addresses

Minter Ethereum Address, is the first address where Tokens from the deployer are moved, once OURO Tokens are brought to the Ethereum Chain:


Uniswap Ethereum Address, is the address that is the owner of the Uniswap Pool of OURO Tokens:



Given the information above, to VERIFY the token supplies are in sync on the two networks (Ethereum and MultiversX), the following Verification must happen:

Last updated