13. The Precious Metals.VAULT™

Another VAULT™ to be opened in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX is the Precious Metals VAULT™. It represents an additional earning opportunity for Precious Metals (GSC/SSC) owners.

Reward Allocation:

  • Tier 3 Reward (Standard Rewards):

    • 50 Primal-Vesta Allocation for the GSC.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults)

  • Tier 2 Reward (Premium Rewards):

    • Additional seasonal SSC rewards (varies with season)

  • Tier 1 Reward (Elite Rewards):

    • Additional seasonal GSC rewards (varies with season)

VAULT™ Entry:

  • GSC

  • SSC

Participation is restricted on a monthly basis via an Entry SFT. In total 3 such SFTs are required each season. One SFT allows participation in the GSC.VAULT for exactly 30 days.

Reward Allocation Mechanics

The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by 3 Precious Metal Powers:

  1. Standard Precious Metal Power (Standard Rewards)

  2. Premium Precious Metal Power (Premium Rewards)

  3. Elite Precious Metal Power (Elite Rewards)

Vault Earning Mechanics

The individual VAULT™ powers are detailed below:

Tier 3 Rewards - Standard Precious Metal Power

The sum value in $ of all SSC and GSC in the VAULT™ determines the Standard Precious Metal Power.

The Standard Precious Metal Power governs the distribution of Standard Rewards.

Users' own Standard Precious Metal Power is compared to the total Standard Precious Metal Power for the whole VAULT™ to determine their share of Raw-Vesta rewards.

The Multipliers that are available to boost Refined Vesta yields:

  • DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)

  • VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)

  • IM (Individual Multiplier)

  • VM (Vesting Multiplier)

Tier 2 Rewards - Premium Precious Metal Power

The Premium Precious Metal Power governs the distribution of Premium Rewards.

Users' own Premium Precious Metal Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Premium Precious Metal Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of Premium Rewards.

Tier 1 Rewards - Elite Precious Metal Power

The Elite Precious Metal Power governs the distribution of Elite Rewards.

Users' own Elite Precious Metal Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Elite Precious Metal Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of Elite Rewards.

Last updated