Token Designation

When VestaX.Finance™ DEX will be ported on MIDAS, all DEX Pools will be remade, and all LP Tokens will follow the same naming rules.

There are 4 Main Pool Tokens on the VestaX.Finance™ DEX on Midas

  1. OURO

  2. USDC

  3. vBTC

  4. vEGLD

The Naming scheme will be as follows:

Farming Tokens will have the following designation, here the vEGLD based Farming Tokens are exemplified:

vBTC based farming Tokens will have the following designation, exemplified for KOSON Token

  • Token Name: MidasFarmVBTCKOSON

  • Token Ticker: MFBKOSON-xxxxxx

On Midas Blockchain, Farming tokens will be instantly convertable to their native token equivalents, with the following fees:

  • Standard Staked Farming Tokens: 10% Fee.

  • Premium Staked Farming Tokens: 25% Fee.

  • Elite Staked Farming Tokens: 45% Fee.

Last updated