SLIP™ Token and SLIP™ SFT

Executing Elite SLIP (USDD or USDC) will generate for the spender 1 SLIP Token. The SLIP Tokens are:

SLIP Tokens are non transferable ESDTs that can be used to purchase SLIP SFTs. They are equivalent 1:1 with each other.

One SLIP SFT costs 2050 SLIP Tokens (paid in either combination of SLIP Tokens). SLIP SFTs have the following characteristics:

  • A Discount applies for the price of 1% for each completed Elite-Account Tier.

  • 1 SLIP SFT increases Elite Snake Power by 1% in the OURO Liquidity.VAULT™ when staked within subsidiary staking.

  • 1 SLIP SFT is worth 10 Subsidiary Points.

  • SLIP SFTs are freely tradable in the NFT Market, and have a Royalty set at 15%

SLIP Tokens

SLIP Tokens can be staked in the OURO Liquidity.VAULT™, and 1 SLIP Token will increase the Elite Snake Power by 0.005‰. This puts an increase of 1% at 2000 SLIP Tokens staked.

Last updated