Farms Staking Variants

The 3 staking Variants offered for yield farming with Farms.

As opposed to standard yield farming one may be familliar with when it comes to Farms, on the VestaX.Finance™ DEX, there are 3 staking variants user can opt for when staking the vEGLD-based LP Tokens in their respective Farms, that significantly influence farming potency. These are:

  • Standard Staking

  • Premium Staking

  • Elite Staking

The 3 staking variants differ in their potency for generating rewards and have subsequent increasing unstaking times (Latency):

Staking Type
Staked weight
Unstaked weight


3 Days

1.00x (40%)

0.50x (50%)


63 Days

1.60x (64%)

0.96x (60%)


210 Days

2.50x (100%)

1.75x (70%)

Upcoming modification

While this is the current implementation, a migration is planned to a system where the Latency is removed and replaced instead with fees payable in VST Tokens. Since there will be no Latency (waiting for the unstake to finalize), only the "Staked Weight" will exist in the new system. The Fees will be as follows:

Standard Staking
Premium Staking
Elite staking

Epoch 1, 3% (1 Epoch)

Epoch 1 - 9, 15% (9 Epochs)

Epoch 1 - 30, 45% (30 Epochs)

Epoch 2 - 3, 2% (2 Epochs)

Epoch 10 - 27, 10% (18 Epochs)

Epoch 31 - 90, 30% (60 Epochs)

Epoch 4 - 20, 1% (17 Epochs)

Epoch 28 - 63, 5% (36 Epochs)

Epoch 91 - 210, 15% (120 Epochs)

Epoch 21 and up, 0%

Epoch 64 and up, 0%

Epoch 211 and up, 0%

Resulting "Farm Tokens"

Staking vEGLD-based LPs in their respective Farms, will generate for the user the so called "staked LP Tokens" also known as "Farm Tokens".

The Farm Tokens are non transferable between wallets, and they will be redeemable in the new system at any time, back to the native LP Tokens, once the coresponding VST Fee has been paid.

Last updated