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VestaX™DAO SFTs represent the tokenization of the Company's 2nd Subsidiary, VestaX.Finance™ Subsidiary. The collection ticker is VESTAXDAO-e6c48c.
The Collection is split into 3 variants.
Golden Vesta, VESTAXDAO-e6c48c-01, 1000 UNITS
Silver Vesta, VESTAXDAO-e6c48c-02, 2000 UNITS
Bronze Vesta, VESTAXDAO-e6c48c-03, 4000 UNITS
Due to blockchain restrictions, these profits will be distributed only to:
Staked SFTs
The Native earnings represent the earnings of the VestaX.Finance™ Subsidiary. These total profits of the subsidiary will be split as follows:
50% will be redirected as earnings for Demiourgos.Holdings™
50% are profits kept by VestaX.Finance™ to be given to its benefactors.
The Benefactors of the VestaX.Finance™ Subsidiary are:
The Company itself retains 10% for operating costs and maintenance.
Golden Vesta SFT owners retain 30%
Silver Vesta SFT owners retain 30%
Bronze Vesta SFT owners retain 30%
VestaX.Finance™ will earn from the following sources:
0.2% to 0.3% of the 2% fee on VestaX.Finance™ DEX
0.3% from Tier X Pools, 0.2% from non-Tier X Pools (GSC Pool is an exception, as it has a special fee structure).
Maintenance Fee from the vEGLD Liquid staking Protocol (currently set at 5% as an introductory fee, to be increased to 10% later on)
Profits from the Lending Protocol.
Profits from the Company Crypto-Bank
Profits from all future financial endeavors the Subsidiary will be involved in.
These earnings are not affected by DEB™. Each SFT will earn the same amount as per its share.
Staking VestaX™DAO SFTs will bring further rewards and benefits to their owners depending on the staking method, as there are multiple staking variants. Considering the staking benefits, we distinguish 4 different ways to stake VestaX™DAO SFTs:
Subsidiary Staking Mode.
Single Individual Mode.
Major Universal Mode.
Minor Universal Mode.
Staking VestaX™DAO SFTs using one of the 4 staking Variants, makes the VestaX™DAO SFTs eligible for earning a chunk of the 15% of the daily Snake Token Emission reserved for Subsidiary Staking. Earnings are distributed in the Ecosystems' "reward token", AURYN, created at the daily Auryndex™, from 15% of the daily Snake Token emission.
Earnings are based on a subsidiary Score, weighted by DEB™, which is then compared to the Total Subsidiary Score of all the persons involved in subsidiary staking.
The Score mechanics are as follows:
Subsidiary Staking Mode. 4/2/1 Subsidiary Points for Golden/Silver/Bronze VestaX™DAO SFTs.
Single Individual Mode. 4/2/1 Subsidiary Points for Golden/Silver/Bronze VestaX™DAO SFTs.
Major Universal Mode. 20/10/5 Subsidiary Points for Golden/Silver/Bronze VestaX™DAO SFTs.
Minor Universal Mode. 8/4/2 Subsidiary Points for Golden/Silver/Bronze VestaX™DAO SFTs.
As these Earnings are affected by DEB™, they scale with Elite Account Tier.
The Royalties accumulated through trading are used to generate further rewards for the VestaX™DAO SFTs owners using the following steps:
Royalty funds are converted to vEGLD-Vesta-LP using the most efficient swapping path, and are then staked in Elite Mode in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX.
Rewards are minted as 20-year sVESTA on a weekly basis and added to the Vesta-VAULT™
Here they will generate the following rewards:
Liquid VESTA Tokens.
vEGLD/USDC as DEX Fees distributed to the Vesta-VAULT™ (0.4% of the 2% DEX Fees are injected monthly as rewards to the Vesta-VAULT™ for all Vesta-VAULT™ participants)
GSC Rewards.
These rewards are distributed monthly to the VestaX.Finance™ Subsidiary Benefactors (see above who the benefactors are). As such, they are unweighted by DEB™.
The main benefit of Staking VestaX™DAO SFTs is boosting VESTA Token production:
Subsidiary Staking Mode: Boosts VESTA Token production across all VestaX.Finance™ DEX Farms and Vaults, ONLY for the user who staked the SFTs.
Single Individual Mode: Boosts VESTA Token production in a single Vault or Farm on the VestaX.Finance™ DEX, ONLY for the user who staked the SFTs.
Major Universal Mode: Boosts VESTA Token production for all participants in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX Capital vEGLD Farm, namely the vEGLD-VESTA Farm.
Minor Universal Mode: Boosts VESTA Token production for all participants in any other single VestaX.Finance™ DEX vEGLD Farm apart from the Capital vEGLD Farm.
As the Subsidiary Staking Mode boosts are affected by DEB™, they scale with Elite Account Tier.
The Boost Values as well as Subsidiary Scores Values are detailed in the table below:
It is worth pointing out that in the DEB v2 System, the Tier Requirements for Subsidiary Staking Mode will be the following:
Infidel (nT0) from Tier -1/0/1
Novice Investor (T2.1) from Tier 2
Novice Entrepreneur (T3.1) from Tier 3
Associate Mogul (T4.1) from Tier 4
Associate Magnate (T5.1) from Tier 5
Junior Tycoon (T6.1) from Tier 6
Neophyte Demiurg (T7.1) from Tier 7
Keeping VestaX™DAO SFTs staked, increases your Vesta Loyalty Score. Depending on your Elite Account Tier, you can get either 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 points daily (depending on your elite account Tier; Tiers N/0/1 get 1 points per day). Unstaking the SFTs will reset your score to ZERO.
This score is the base of a separate DEX Multiplier that increases your VESTA production, the VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier).
VLM = 1 + Vesta.Loyalty.Score/10000.
The longer you keep your SFTs staked without moving them, the greater your VESTA rewards will get. There is no upper limit to the value of the Vesta Loyalty Multiplier.