S1; [QM]

1st Secondary Vesta Minting Multiplier - Quantity Multiplier

[QM] is the first and only Secondary Vesta Minting Multiplier, and it applies only when minting of Sleeping-Vesta or Frozen Vesta is executed.

Applies to:

  • Whenever Sleeping-Vesta and Frozen-Vesta minting is involved (All Eligible Farms and VAULTs™)

Sleeping-Vesta [QM]

Sleeping-Vesta is a Refined Vesta form that is "vested"/locked for a specific number of years. Sleeping Refined Vesta rewards in form of Sleeping-Vesta is rewarded by allowing users to mint in greater amounts. The Sleeping-Vesta [QM] is the metric by which these greater amounts are determined.

The Greater the amount of years the "lock" is desired for, the greater the Sleeping-Vesta [PM].

User can choose between 1 and 20 Years of locking/sleeping. [PM] for each option is depicted in the table below:

[QM](1) = 1.197814134575913490

[QM](11) = 5.959151117674783910

[QM](2) = 1.429536479212546031

[QM](12) = 6.857312764790110079

[QM](3) = 1.699876719124271251

[QM](13) = 7.862124066011651046

[QM](4) = 2.013983855422633467

[QM](14) = 8.981362023416883470

[QM](5) = 2.377447408697970021

[QM](15) = 10.222588689427583016

[QM](6) = 2.796290116676372277

[QM](16) = 11.593002963431856619

[QM](7) = 3.276950730714598584

[QM](17) = 13.099278683497692375

[QM](8) = 3.826255535539441440

[QM](18) = 14.747390889309411081

[QM](9) = 4.451377283233198313

[QM](19) = 16.542432707809039165

[QM](10) = 5.159780352000000000

[QM](20) = 18.488425889503641600

Frozen-Vesta [QM]

Frozen-Vesta is a Refined Vesta form that is permanently locked/frozen. Freezing Refined Vesta rewards in form of Frozen-Vesta is rewarded by allowing users to mint in greater amounts. The Frozen-Vesta [QM] is the metric by which these greater amounts are determined.

Users can only generate Frozen Vesta starting with Elite Account Tier 3. The Greater the Elite-Account Tier the user has, the greater the Frozen-Vesta [QM].

User can choose between 1 and 20 Years of locking/sleeping. [PM] for each option is depicted in the table below:

Elite Account Tier 3/T3.1 [QM] = 40x

Elite Account Tier 4/T1.1 [QM] = 46x

Elite Account Tier 5/T5.1 [QM] = 58x

Elite Account Tier 6/T6.1 [QM] = 76x

Elite Account Tier 7/T7.1 [QM] = 100x

Last updated