Staking Mechanics

Minor Kosonic Currencies

The Chrysopoeic Forge will fuel with Esoteric Koson Rewards the following Pools:

  • The "Land Pool" - Dacians can deposit Land SFTs and collect daily Esoteric Kosons directly. Each Land SFT will have the following score:

    • Continental Plot = 3 Points (30¢)

    • Steppe Plot = 4 Points (40¢)

    • Panonic Plot = 5 Points (50¢)

    • Pontic Plot = 15 Points (1,5$)

    • Alpine Plot = 30 Points (3$)

  • The "Spirit Pool" - Dacians can deposit Summoned Souls / Origin Souls / Death Souls and collect daily Esoteric Kosons directly. The NFTs will have the following score:

    • Summoned Souls = 1 Point (10¢)

    • Origin Souls = 7 Points (70¢)

    • Origin Death Souls = 49 Points (4.9$)

  • The 6 Alchemical Kosonic Pools - Dacians can deposit Ancient, Esoteric and Primordial Kosons.

    • Plebea Pool - Dacians receive Plebium Denarius

    • Comati Pool - Dacians receive Comatus Aureus

    • Pileati Pool - Dacians receive Pileatus Solidus

    • Tarabostes Pool - Dacians receive Tarabostes Stater

    • Strategos Pool - Dacian receive Strategon Drachma

    • Basileus Pool - Dacians receive Basileon As

  • Zalmoxian Liquidity Well - Dacians can deposit all Koson v2 based LPs.

Unstaking Fees for NFTs/SFTs

Unstaking fees will be 10¢ per Point in Primordial KOSONs, over a period of 25 days (4% Reduction of the fee per day).

Last updated