3. Universal Forge
Forge of the Gods
The Universal Forge, or the Forge of the Gods, generates Primordial Kosons for the Gods fuelling 4 Vaults, and this generation is distinct, not part of the Chrysopoeic Forge and World Forge daily emissions:
Empyrean Sanctum (Treasury):
8% of the daily amount of the Chrysopoeic Forge generated as Primordial Kosons.
5% of the daily amount of the World Forge generated as Primordial Kosons.
Demigods Vault (Developers):
3% of the daily amount of the Chrysopoeic Forge generated as Primordial Kosons.
3% of the daily amount of World Forge generated as Primordial Kosons.
Zalmoxian Vault Ecosystem:
4% of the daily amount of the Chrysopoeic Forge generated as Primordial Kosons.
2% of the daily amount of the World Forge generated as Primordial Kosons.
Zalmoxian Liquidity Well (Koson v2 VAULT™):
10 % of the daily amount created by the World Forge, to be generated as Primordial Kosons.
Since the emission is distinct, the following amounts will be generated extra, in Primordial Kosons:
15% of the Chrysopoeic Forge as daily emission in Primordial Kosons.
20% of the World Forge as daily emission in Primordial Kosons.
Maximum Supply of Kosons that can exist in each Variant is capped/uncapped in the following manner:
Esoteric Kosons Maximum Supply = 16.180.339,887498948482045868
Ancient Koson Maximum Supply = 31.415.926,535897932384626433
Primordial Kosons Maximum Supply = UNLIMITED.
Ecosystem Funds
Ecosystem Funds will be used for other Koson related earnings. The planned Ecosystem related earning are:
Bloodshed NFT Collection Rewards.
Owl Games Rewards.
80% of the Ecosystem Emission will be given to Ecosystem Projects, while 20% of the daily Ecosystem Emission will be retained in the Ecosystem Fund.
Last updated