Transmutable Tokens can be considered for Incorporation. Not all transmutable Tokens will be available for incorporation. Token Incorporation means the possibility to directly swap the Foreign Token into the IGNIS.DAMP™ and collect IGNIS. Foreign Tokens that are swapped this way are considered transmuted by incorporation.
Incorporation Mechanics
A limited amount of Foreign Token can be "incorporated daily". This amount is 7% of the difference between the Total Foreign Token Supply, and the amount transmuted so far.
Demiourgos Elite Accounts will have priority incorporating foreign Tokens. The amount allowed foreign incorporation resets daily, at a specific hour. The beginning of each incorporation cycle is reserved for Demiourgos Elite Accounts, 15 minutes for each Tier, starting with Tier 7. This means after 2 hours, Infidels (users that don't have any Elite-Auryn or Vested Elite-Auryn) will be able to incorporate foreign tokens. (8 tiers 0 through 7, times 15 minutes, equals 2 hours).
A special ratio will be given for converting Foreign Tokens to FEQ-Tokens (Foreign Equivalents), for each transmutable token that allows incorporation. The amount of FEQ Token generated from the Foreign Token that is to be incorporated is increased by Elite Account Tier with 1% per Elite Account Tier. The FEQ Tokens will be swapped into the IGNIS.DAMP™ as if they were SEQ Tokens. Each different Foreign Token will have its very own FEQ designation.
Ouroboros Incorporation.
As an exception to the rule, OUROboros Token can be incorporated directly and converted to IGNIS. However, this action is restricted to Demiourgos Elite Accounts starting with Tier 5, and also restricted to a daily amount OURO equal to the Elite Account Tier.
This way Ouroboros Incorporation, is extremely limited and offered only as an option to the most prolific Demiourgos Investors.
The OURO:SEQ Ratio is 1:1
Burnify Incorporation.
The BFY:FEQ Ratio is 100:1.
This means an Elite Account Tier 5 incorporating 5000 BFY will get (5000/100)*1.05=52.5 FEQ Tokens to be swapped as SEQ Tokens into the IGNIS.DAMP™.
Last updated