Why join the IGNIS.Protocol™ ?
Participating in the IGNIS.Protocol™ offers a range of benefits, not only for protocol participants and Marketplace users but also for the whole MultiversX™ Ecosystem:
Earn multiple rewards, both guaranteed and based on luck
Incorporate transmutable tokens, effectively swapping them for IGNIS, forwarding their passive income to the protocol, effectively obtaining double the benefit:
Firstly for converting them to IGNIS.
Secondly, by forwarding their passive income capabilities to the IGNIS.Protocol™, benefiting all of their participants.
Guaranteed rewards in the form of vEGLD and IGNIS Tokens.
Rewards based on the luck of the Draw:
From Various Reward Packages, that will be permanently fueled by Demiourgos.Holdings™.
Snake Token Variants amount to 2 % of the daily emission.
VESTA Tokens, minted by the Protocol's own LP Tokens, could amount eventually to significant quantities as the Liquidity Pool automatically grows with every burning cycle.
Burning Foreign Tokens reduces their total supply, maintains price stability, enhancing the foreign Tokens Value
The IGNIS Protocol incentivizes engagement, driving users to engage in every cycle, driving further growth and adoption.
Compounded rewards amplified by DEB™ (Demiourgos Elite Multiplier): as users continued to participate, their IGNIS tokens and vEGLD rewards (amplified by DEB™) will continue to accumulate and compound over time, potentially leading to significant returns of the initial contributions.
Claim your IGNIS: At any time you have the option to claim your IGNIS tokens, and use them:
On the IGNIS.Anguis™ Marketplace, where you will have distinct benefits by doing so.
On the VestaX.Finance™DEX where you can use them to add liquidity on an ever-increasing Tier X Pool (where the Vesta APR scales with the Pool liquidity size).
Last updated