The IGNIS Protocol has an embedded Lottery/Raffle system, that incorporates the former XBunny Lottery, and Demiourgos own Raffle System.
A Reward Vault is filled with Reward Packages consisting of NFTs/SFTs/Tokens and/or a combination of these, and/or other valuables. Creating IGNIS.Batches™ also awards IGNIS.Tickets to the IGNIS.Batch creators. These Tickets will be used to draw winners after the Cycle ends.
IGNIS.Tickets Generation
Participating in the IGNIS Presale, or in the IGNIS.Protocol™ will award IGNIS.Tickets.
Hybrid IGNIS.Batches and Foreign IGNIS.Batches award 10 IGNIS.Tickets/Batch
Golden IGNIS.Batches award 20 IGNIS.Tickets/Batch
Hybrid IGNIS.Batches created with tokens on the Transmute list award 20 IGNIS.Tickets
Foreign IGNIS.Batches created with tokens on the Transmute list award 50 IGNIS.Tickets.
Elite Account Tier increases the amount of IGNIS Tokens generated by 10%/Tier.
Presold IGNIS.Tickets
Presold IGNIS.Tickets can be added to each Cycle, if at least 1 IGNIS.Batch was created that generates vEGLD.
For example, if the Cycle starts and 2 Foreign IGNIS.Batches are created with a transmutable Token, since no vEGLD was collected from these batches (as transmutable tokens are kept in their entirety and are not sold for vEGLD), no Presold Tickets can be added to that Cycle. It's only after another IGNIS.Batch is created that generates vEGOLD, that these tickets can be added.
Lottery Rewards
The Lottery Reward Packages will be cycled in the following manner:
Odd Cycles, the Rewards Package won't be known in advance, and will be randomly chosen from all reward Packages.
Even Cycles, the Reward Package will be known in advance.
In addition 10% of the IGNIS Cycle Reward will be given to 4 lucky winners, in total being 5 Lucky Winners per cycle.
Winner 1: Reward Pacakge
Winner 2: 4% of the Cycle IGNIS Reward
Winner 3: 3% of the Cycle IGNIS Reward
Winner 4: 2% of the Cycle IGNIS Reward
Winner 5: 1% of the Cycle IGNIS Reward
Elite Account Participation
As long as a single IGNIS.Batch has been created that generates vEGLD, all Demiourgos Elite Accounts participate automatically in each Cycle, with 1 IGNIS.Ticket/Elite Account Tier. For example, a Tier 5 Elite Account, automatically participates each cycle with 5 Tickets.
Last updated