Valuable Tokens that have proven themselves, won't be burned but will be transmuted instead. This action can also be refered to as "transmutation by burning". Transmutation means such tokens will be kept indefinitely by the IGNIS.Protocol™, and will be used in their own Protocols, to generate rewards. The generated rewards will be used to perform DIVA™.
DIVA™ (Demiourgos IGNIS Valuation Act)
Performing DIVA means:
50% of the reward will be swapped to vEGLD-IGNIS-LP using the most efficient pathway. LP Token creation happens the "natural" way. (as opposed to the artificial way used with 8% of the vEGLD accumulated by the Protocol)
50% of the reward will buy IGNIS from the vEGLD-IGNIS Liquidity Pool and burn it.
As Such, performing DIVA™ increases IGNIS liquidity and IGNIS valuation.
Increased Lottery Tickets when using transmutable Tokens to create IGNIS.Batches
Wen™ creating IGNIS.Batches using transmutable tokens, more IGNIS.Tickets™ are awarded:
A Hybrid IGNIS.Batch awards 20 IGNIS.Tickets
A Foreign IGNIS.Batch awards 50 IGNIS.Tickets
The increased IGNIS.Tickets amount is reward for "giving away" valuable "Foreign Tokens" to the IGNIS.Protocol™, action by which all past, present and future IGNIS.Protocol™ users will benefit.
If more worthy tokens appear, they will be included in the transmutation list.
Transmutation List
Burnify BFY-8344ff
Last updated