Each Staking Agency will be able to set their own Fee Amount. Only Primary and Secondary Midas Rewards are subjected to agency Fees, and they can be set independently.
The fees can be set from an interval ranging from 2% to 20%.
Elite Account Discount
Elite Account Tier of the Staking Agency Operators, will provide a built in reduction of Fees.
Reduction will happen in the following manner:
The Set up Fee, will be reduced by 10% per completed Elite Account Tier (therefore a Tier 4 Operator will collect 40% less Fees)
For Participants the Fee will be reduced by 5% per completed Elite Account Tier (therefore a participant delegating to a Staking Agency who's Operator is a Tier 4 Elite Account, would be subject to a 20% reduction in fees)
For the operator Itself, 5% per completed Elite Account Tier will be swapped to VST, VST will be burned, and an equal quantity of Blessed-Vesta will be generated. Therefore a Staking Agency Operator with Elite Tier 4, will have 20% of their fees converted to Blessed Vesta.
The Staking Agency Operator can then choose a percent between 0% (wherewith he will keep 100% the generated bVST for himself) and 90% (wherewith he will only keep 10% of the generated bVST for himself) as return of the Blessed Vesta to their delegators. This Percent is called the "Return bVST%".
Parameters to be set up by the Staking Agency Operator
Operator will be able to set up the following Fee Parameters for their Agency:
Fee % for the Primary Midas Reward.
Return bVST % for the Primary Midas Reward.
Fee % for the Secondary Midas Reward.
Return bVST % for the Secondary Midas Reward.
Parameters to be seen by the Delegators.
Fee % in absolute value for the Primary Midas Reward
Gain % in absolute value for bVST generated from the Primary Midas Reward
Fee % in absolute value for the Secondary Midas Reward
Gain % in absolute value for bVST generated from the Secondary Midas Reward.
A Tier 4 Staking Agency Operator sets up the following Fee Settings for his Agency.
3% Fee for the Primary Midas Reward
90% Return bVST% for the Primary Midas Reward
5% Fee for the Secondary Midas Reward
75% Return bVST for the Secondary Midas Reward
Delegators will see this agency appearing with:
2.4% Fee for the Primary Midas Reward.
0.54% bVST Gain from the Primary Midas Reward (while operator retains, 0.06% bVST Gain)
4% Fee for the Secondary Midas Reward.
0.75% bVST Gain from the Secondary Midas Reward (while operator retains 0.25% bVST gain)
This flexible Fee system is designed to make Staking Agencies more desirable for delegators, the higher the Elite Account of the Staking Agency Operator is. However, higher Elite Account Tier of the Agency Operator doesn't have an absolute Effect on the desirability of his agency, as lower Elite Accounts can also make their Agency more desirable to delegators, not only by tweaking the Fee %, and bVST return %, but also by using supplemental incentives not scope of this article.
Last updated