GSC Fees

The Volumetric GSC Fee

GSC on Midas will be subject to an extra GSC Fee that the sender will have to pay (apart from the standard OURO GAS Fees). This is subtracted from the amount of GSC sent in the transaction, and scales downward with higer Elite Tier Accounts.

Volumetric GSC Fee = Base Volumetric GSC Fee * Elite-Account Multiplier

Base Volumetric GSC Fee

The Base cccccc GSC Fee is computed as follows:

  • For GSC Amounts < 10 GSC, Base Volumetric GSC Fee = 2 ‰

  • For GSC Amounts > 10 GSC, Base Volumetric GSC Fee is given by the following Formula, exemplified for an amount of 426738 GSC, which amounts for aproximatey 1 ‰:

Considering an amount of 426738 GSC, the Base Volumetric GSC Fee would be equal to:

426.[493|118|560|144][728|044|214|446] GSC.

Elite-Account Multiplier

The Elite-Account Multiplier is a secondary multiplier, that scales with Elite-Account Tier, as follows:

Volumetric GSC Fee

Using the specified Formulas and Multiplier, the Volumetric GSC Transfer Fee starts from 1% (if you are transfering less than 10 GSC and you hold ZERO Elite-AURYN), and can go down up to approx. 100 times, if you have the highest Elite Account Tier, Elite Account Tier 7.7.

For most people, considering amounts above 10 GSC, the fee would amount probably somewhere between 4‰ and 3‰.

Volumetric GSC Fees Distribution

The GSC Fee Distribution will be distributed using the following split:

  • 10% to the Coding.Division POT

  • 90% to the validating Validators.

Last updated