Reward Allocation Mechanics
The Vault earning mechanics are governed by 4 Snake Powers, where the last 2 Snake Powers have 3 Power Components Each:
Standard Snake Power (Standard Rewards)
Premium Snake Power (Premium Rewards)
MAJOR Elite Snake Power (Elite Rewards)
Bronze Snake Power
Silver Snake Power
Golden Snake Power
MINOR Elite Snake Power (Elite Rewards)
Bronze Multiversal Snake Power
Silver Multiversal Snake Power
Golden Multiversal Snake Power
Vault Earning Mechanics
The individual VAULT™ powers are detailed below:
Tier 3 Rewards - Standard Snake Power
Standard Snake Power is determined by two components:
C1 = Sum of all OURO in all OURO based LPs created on VestaX.Finance DEX
C2 = Amount of OURO existing in the OUROWEGLD-d8505c LP
Therefore the Standard Snake Power = C1 + C2
The Standard Snake Power governs the distribution of Standard Rewards.
Users' own Standard Snake Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Standard Snake Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of Primal-Vesta rewards.
The Multipliers that are available to boost Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
Tier 2 Rewards - Premium Snake Power
Premium Snake Power equals Standard Snake Power multiplied by the DEB™.
The Premium Snake Power governs the distribution of Premium Rewards.
Users' own Premium Snake Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Premium Snake Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of IGNIS rewards.
Tier 1 Rewards - MAJOR and MINOR Elite Snake Power
There are 2 types of Elite Snake Powers, the Major Elite Snake Power and Minor Elite Snake Power. These are derived from the following base Values:
MAJOR Elite Snake Power = C1 x DEB
MINOR Elite Snake Power = C2 x DEB
Each Elite Snake Power has 3 Components, with each component governing the following Snake Token Rewards type:
The Bronze Component governs OURO yields.
The Silver Component governs AURYN yields.
The Golden Component governs Elite-AURYN yields.
As the standard reward token is AURYN, the base Score for the Elite Power is by default of "Silver" quality, seeing how the logic is that the Bronze/Silver/Golden Power components are designed to generate OURO/AURYN/Elite-AURYN rewards.
Enhancement and Boosting of Snake Token yields
Using the Tier 3 Powers base described above, the Following SFTs, NFTs and Tokens can be used to boost and modify the Elite Rewards of the VAULT™ (which are by default in AURYN).
Yin-DOVA SFT: 0.1% increase in Silver Component
Yang-DOVA SFT: 0.1% increase in Silver Component
DOVA SFT: 1% increase in Golden Component
1 SLIP Token: 0.0005% increase in Silver Component (2000 SLIP Tokens for 1% increase)
xBunny NFT with OURO Rain Background Trait: 5% in Bronze Component
xBunny NFT with AURYN Rain Background Trait: 10% in Silver Component
xBunny NFT with Elite-AURYN Rain Background Trait: 60% in Golden Component
Legendary xBunny without Elite-AURYN Rain Background Trait: 40% in Golden Component
Example of Power Computation
Bob has a DEB of 2.0x and has staked VestaX.Finance DEX OURO based LPs that have 100 OURO, and xExchange DEX OURO-wEGLD LP that has 200 OURO. He will have the following Powers:
Tier 3 Power, Standard Snake Power:
C1 = 100
C2 = 200
Total Standard Snake Power = C1 + C2 = 300
Tier 2 Power, Premium Snake Power = 300 x 2.0x = 600
Tier 1 Powers:
MAJOR Elite Snake Power = 0 + 200 + 0 = 200
Bronze Snake Power = 0 (no modifier)
Silver Snake Power = C1 x DEB = 200
Golden Snake Power = 0 (no modifier)
MINOR Elite Snake Power = 0 + 400 + 0 = 400
Bronze Multiversal Snake Power = 0 (no modifier)
Silver Multiversal Snake Power = C2 x DEB = 400
Golden Multiversal Snake Power = 0 (no modifier)
He now stakes the following Assets to boost and enhance his yields:
3 Yin-DOVA and 5 Yang-DOVA SFTs
7432 SLIP Tokens
11 xBunnies with OURO Rain Background Trait
7 xBunnies with AURYN Rain Background Trait
1 xBunny with Elite-AURYN Rain Background Trait
While his Tier 3 and Tier 2 Powers will remain the same, his Tier 3 Powers will be enhanced in the following manner:
MAJOR Elite Snake Power = 110 + 349.032 + 324 = 783.032
Bronze Snake Power = C1 x DEB x (11x5%) = 110
Silver Snake Power = C1 x DEB + [C1 x DEB x (3x0.1% + 5x0.1% + 7432x0.0005% + 7x10%)] = 200 + 200 x 74.516% = 200 + 149.032 = 349.032
Golden Snake Power = C1 x DEB + [C1 x DEB x (2x1% + 1x60%) = 200 + 200 x 62% = 200 + 124 = 324
MINOR Elite Snake Power = 220 + 698.064 + 648 = 1566.064
Bronze Multiversal Snake Power = C2 x DEB x (11x5%) = 220
Silver Multiversal Snake Power = C2 x DEB + [C2 x DEB x (3x0.1% + 5x0.1% + 7432x0.0005% + 7x10%)] = 400 + 400 x 74.516% = 400 + 298.64 = 698.064
Golden Multiversal Snake Power = C2 x DEB + [C2 x DEB x (2x1% + 1x60%) = 400 + 400 x 62% = 400 + 248 = 648
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