Reward Allocation:
Tier 2 Reward (Standard Rewards):
250 Primal Vesta Allocation for the Koson v2 Liquidity.VAULT™ (VESTA Goddess Blessing - unique to the Zalmoxian Liquidity Well, which is another name for the Koson v2 Liquidity VAULT™)
Tier 1 Reward (Elite Rewards)
15/70 of the daily emission of the Chrysopoeic Forge (in ESOTERIC KOSONS)
10% of the daily amount value generated by the World Forge (in PRIMORDIAL KOSONS). This amount will be added as rewards when the World Forge will be brought online.
Entry in the Koson v2 Liquidity VAULT™
Users will be able to add in the Koson v2 Liquidity.VAULT™ the following LPs Koson based LP:
Reward Allocation Mechanics
The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by a single Power:
Kosonic Power (Standard, Elite Rewards)
Vault Earning Mechanics
The Kosonic Power is detailed below:
Kosonic Power
Kosonic Power represents the amount of Kosons in all Koson based LPs. Kosonic Power does not scale with DEB™.
The Kosonic Power governs all rewards distributed in the Koson v2 Liquidity.VAULT™.
Users' own Kosonic Power is compared to the total Kosonic Power for the whole VAULT™ to determine their share of Rewards.
Tier 2 Rewards - Kosonic Power: Refined Vesta Rewards
Refined Vesta Token Variants will be available as rewards here, as is the case for all VAULTS™. The Multipliers that are available to boost Refined Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
Tier 1 Rewards - Kosonic Power: Chrysopoeic Forge Rewards
15/70 of the daily Esoteric Kosons generated by the Chrysopoeic Forge are dispensed as Tier 1 Rewards.
Last updated