10. The vEGLD.VAULT™
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Another VAULT™ to be opened in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX is the vEGLD.VAULT™. It represents an additional earning opportunity for vEGLD owners.
Tier 2 Reward (Minor vEGLD Power):
50 Primal-Vesta Allocation for the vEGLD.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults)
Tier 1 Reward (Major vEGLD Power):
3% of the as AURYN.
The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by 2 vEGLD Powers:
Minor vEGLD Power (Standard Rewards)
Major vEGLD Power (Elite Rewards)
The individual VAULT™ powers are detailed below:
The sum of all vEGLD in the VAULT™ determines the Minor vEGLD Power.
The Minor vEGLD Power governs the distribution of Standard Rewards.
Users' own Minor vEGLD Power (staked amount of vEGLD) is compared to the total Minor vEGLD Power for the whole Vault (total sum of all staked vEGLD in the VAULT™) to determine their share of Primal-Vesta rewards.
The Multipliers that are available to boost Refined Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
TM (Tier Multiplier)
DM (Diamond Multiplier)
BM (Bunny Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
The Tier Multiplier and Diamond Multiplier function in a similar fashion to their respective counterparts on the Tier X Pool of the VestaX.Finance™ DEX.
Therefore Vesta Production capability scales with the amount of vEGLD staked in the VAULT™.
Major vEGLD Power equals Minor vEGLD Power multiplied by the DEB™.
The Major vEGLD Power governs the Elite Rewards.
Users' own Major vEGLD Power is compared to the total Major vEGLD Power for the whole VAULT™ to determine their share of Snake Token rewards issued as AURYN, that is computed using the daily Auryndex™ .