Entry in the OURO Liquidity VAULT™
Users will be able to add in the OURO Liquidity.VAULT™ both OURO based LPs generated by the by VestaX.Finance DEX and OURO-wEGLD LP generated by the xExchange DEX (OUROWEGLD-d8505c).
VestaX.Finance DEX OURO based LPs
People can add in the OURO Liquidity.VAULT™ (red LPs are not implemented yet, but will be supported) all LPs that have OURO as one of the composing Tokens, generated by VestaX.Finance DEX:
Native non OUROBOROS LPs, that have OUROBOROS in the pair:
USDC / OURO Pool (native Lq.) - VUSDCOURO-57b356
Native Ouroboros-LPs:
OURO / VST Pool (native Lq.) - OUROVST-0f725f
OURO / ESTAR Pool (native Lq.) - OUROESTAR-c5e65a
OURO / KOSON Pool (native Lq.) - VOUROKSON-fcf14a
OURO / XLH Pool (native Lq.) - VOUROXLH-777799
OURO / GSC Pool (native Lq.) - VOUROGSC-6feace
OURO / SSC Pool (native Lq.) - VOUROSSC-2d9393
Exotic OURO-LPs:
Sleeping OURO-VST Liquidity (exotic Lq.) - VOUROSVST-xxxxxx
Frozen OURO-VST Liquidity (exotic Lq.) - VOUROFVST-xxxxxx
Blessed OURO-VST Liquidity (exotic Lq.) - VOUROBVST-xxxxxx
OURO based LPs generated via SLIP:
Secured USDC / OURO Liquidity (SLIP) - VSUSDCOURO-d84a87
Secured OURO / VST Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROVST-46b518
Secured OURO / bVST Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROBVST-xxxxxx
Secured OURO-ESTAR Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROESTR-82c280
Secured OURO-XLH Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROXLH-91d2de
Secured OURO-KOSON Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROKSON-1bd32e
Secured OURO-GSC Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROGSC-23d873
Secured OURO-SSC Liquidity (SLIP) - VSOUROSSC-5bf19f
The reward allocation will be determined by the LP Tokens OURO value, allowing multiple OURO-LP Tokens to be staked collectively within a single VAULT™.
xExchange DEX OURO LPs
Users will also be able to add xExchange OURO wEGLD LP Tokens the VAULT™:
The xExchange OUROUSDC-4e4daa (OURO-USDC LP) will not be supported, as liquidity from this pool will be slowly withdrawn, as the pool will be retired.
Last updated