Reward Allocation:
Tier 2 Reward (Standard Rewards):
50 Primal Vesta Allocation for the MEME Liquidity.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults)
Tier 1 Reward (Elite Rewards)
DEX Fees Collected from MEME Liquidity Pools
Entry in the MEME Liquidity VAULT™
Users will be able to add in the MEME Liquidity.VAULT™ following LPs generated with MEME Coins:
Native vEGLD-JACKET Liquidity - VVEGLDJKET-1604cc
Native vEGLD-PADAWAN Liquidity - VVEGLDPDWN-6ced6e
Native vEGLD-RACCOON Liquidity - VVEGLDRCON-3ca649
Native USDC-JACKET Liquidity - VUSDCJAKET-4ff97b
Native USDC-PADAWAN Liquidity - VUSDCPADWN-c02d19
Reward Allocation Mechanics
The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by a single Power:
MEME Power (Standard, Elite Rewards)
Vault Earning Mechanics
The MEME Power is detailed below:
MEME Power
MEME Power represents the value in $ of all vEGLD and USDC paired with MEME Tokens in all MEME Tokens LPs, both vEGLD based and USDC based.
The MEME Power governs all rewards distributed in the MEME Liquidity.VAULT™.
Users' own MEME Power is compared to the total MEME Power for the whole VAULT™ to determine their share of Rewards.
There are multiple rewards to be earned by locking Liquidity in the MEME Liquidity.VAULT™.
Tier 2 Rewards - MEME Power: Refined Vesta Rewards
Refined Vesta Token Variants will be available as rewards here, as is the case for all VAULTS™. The Multipliers that are available to boost Refined Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
Tier 1 Rewards - MEME Power: DEX Fee from MEME Pools as Rewards
Meme Tokens Liquidity Pools are special and created with 0.09% Fee, 0.08% being gathered in the MEME Revolution DAO on Peer Me.
These Fees in vEGLD and USDC are distributed as TIER 1 Rewards.
Additionally OURO can also be distributed as a Tier 1 Reward with various occasions.
Last updated