Refined Vesta VAULTs™

General Description of the Vesta VAULTs™

In total there will be 5 VAULTs™ specially designed for the 4 refined Vesta Variants.

Reward Distribution across Vesta VAULTs™

It is of significance to emphasize that the VESTA token is crafted not as a financial instrument, but rather as a unifying tool, with its fundamental role being the determination of the quantum of rewards accessible to its holders from the Vesta-based VAULT™s. Currently planned Vesta-based VAULTS™ and their rewards are:

Vesta VAULTs™ Entry

Below is detailed the type of Refined Vesta Variant eligible for staking in each VAULT™:

Liquidity Pools Fee Distribution Split

The Standard Liquidity Pool Fee Distribution Split on VestaX.Finance DEX (both MVX Mainnet and Midas Sovereign Shard) is as follows, with 100% representing HALF of the total Fee:

If additional Fees are required for whatever reasons, they will be imposed on top of this 200%.

DEX Fees as VAULT™ Rewards

As depicted above 40% of Half of Pool Fee will be gathered to be given to Vesta VAULTs™ here:


which is the PRIVATE PeerMe: LS Vault.

The fees are gathered in OURO, USDC and vEGLD, and are injected once per month.

Vesta VAULTs™ Contribution

When all Vesta VAULTts™ will be live, users will be able to see their Vesta VAULT™ Contribution.

This will display how much Refined Vesta Variants users staked in all Vesta Vaults, for each refined Vesta Variant, and the percentages his stake represents from all said Refined Vesta Variant existing across all VAULTts™.

Special Rewards will be awarded via these metrics, one such reward being the future UNITY Token.

UNITY is an upcoming groundbreaking stable coin poised to revolutionize current stable-coin norms by introducing a non-fiat, non-resource, non-crypto pegged stable currency with an unprecedented 7-fold 'Camel' distribution pattern inspired by real-world mining cycles, reinforced by emission mechanics spanning centuries to create the widest distribution pattern, encompassing ingeniously scalable smart volumetric transaction fees designed to surpass and supersede the need for conventional tax and fee requirements altogether, all of which will harmonize into a singular vision of utility and stability, while also acting as a unifying force to seamlessly amalgamate and harmonize fiat and cryptocurrency domains, effectively erasing their existing divide and skillfully transforming inherent irreparable weaknesses into potent permanent advantages.

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