The first VAULT™ to be opened in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX is the Capital Vesta.VAULT™. It represents the primary use case for the Vesta, Sleeping-Vesta and Blessed-Vesta Tokens, via access to GSC rewards.
Reward Allocation:
Tier 3 Reward (Standard Vesta Power):
50 Primal-Vesta Allocation for the Capital Vesta.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults)
Tier 2 Reward (Premium Vesta Power):
10% of DEX Fees distributed in OURO/USDC/vEGLD
Tier 1 Reward (Elite Vesta Power):
45% of Seasonal GSC rewards (varies with season)
VAULT™ Entry:
Blessed Vesta
Sleeping Vesta
Reward Allocation Mechanics
The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by 3 Vesta Powers:
Standard Vesta Power (Standard Rewards)
Premium Vesta Power (Premium Rewards)
Elite Vesta Power (Elite Rewards)
Vault Earning Mechanics
The individual VAULT™ powers are detailed below:
TIER 3 Rewards - Standard Vesta Power
The sum of all refined Vesta Variants in the VAULT™ determines the Standard Vesta Power.
The Standard Vesta Power governs the distribution of Standard Rewards.
Users' own Standard Vesta Power in the VAULT™ (staked amount of Vesta Token Variants) is compared to the total Standard Vesta Power of the VAULT™ (total sum of all staked Vesta Token Variants in the VAULT™) to determine their share of Raw-Vesta rewards.
The Multipliers that are available to boost Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
TIER 2 Rewards - Premium Vesta Power
Premium Vesta Power equals Standard Vesta Power multiplied by the DEB™.
The Premium Vesta Power governs the distribution of Premium Rewards.
Users' own Premium Vesta Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Premium Vesta Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of DEX-Fee rewards.
TIER 1 Rewards - Elite Vesta Power
The Elite Vesta Power governs the distribution of Elite Rewards.
Users' own Elite Vesta Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Elite Vesta Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of Elite Rewards.
Last updated