The 4th VAULT™ to be opened in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX is the Chimeric Vesta.VAULT™. It represents the primary use case for the Frozen-Vesta Token, via access to not only what is the biggest chunk percentually of DEX fees, but also by accessing rewards distributed in Multiple Tokens - the so caled Chimeric Rewards, basically VestaX.Finance DEX own "Meabonding"-like reward system.
Reward Allocation:
Tier 3 Reward (Chimeric Vesta Power):
50 Primal-Vesta Allocation for the Secondary Vesta.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults).
Tier 2 Reward (Chimeric Vesta Power):
60% of DEX Fees distributed in OURO/USDC/vEGLD.
Tier 1 Reward (Chimeric Vesta Power):
3.75% of the daily Production of Multiple Tokens. (30% of UNITY later on)
VAULT™ Entry:
Blessed Vesta
Sleeping Vesta
Frozen Vesta
Reward Allocation Mechanics
The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by a single Vesta Power:
Chimeric Vesta Power (Standard, Premium, Elite Rewards)
Vault Earning Mechanics
The Chimeric Vesta Power is detailed below:
Chimeric Vesta Power
The sum of all refined Vesta Variants in the VAULT™ determines the Chimeric Vesta Power. The Chimeric Vesta Power does not benefit from DEB™.
The Chimeric Vesta Power governs all rewards distributed in the Chimeric Vesta.VAULT™
Users' own Chimeric Vesta Power (staked amount of Vesta Token Variants) is compared to the total Chimeric Vesta Power for the whole Vault (total sum of all staked Vesta Token Variants in the VAULT™) to determine their share of Rewards.
There are multiple rewards to be earned by locking Liquidity in the Chimeric Vesta Vault.
Tier 3 Rewards - Chimeric Vesta Power: Refined Vesta Rewards
Refined Vesta Token Variants will be available as rewards here, as is the case for all VAULTS™. The Multipliers that are available to boost Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
Tier 2 Rewards - Chimeric Vesta Power: DEX Fee Rewards
The biggest share of DEX Fee Rewards is available here in the Chimeric Vesta.VAULT™. 60% of all the DEX Fees will be available as rewards here. The composition of these fees was detailed in the Capital Vesta.VAULT™.
Tier 1 Rewards - Chimeric Vesta Power: Chimeric Rewards
The Chimeric Vesta.VAULT™ will act as a distribution method for various other Tokens, in their direct liquid form - the Chimeric Rewards. Ideally, these Tokens would have a perpetual production mechanism. If such tokens are incorporated, a Vault may be opened where these tokens themselves may be staked, yielding more of themselves.
As of now, the following tokens are confirmed participating in the chimeric token yield:
3.75% of the daily OURO issuance as liquid OURO (as opposed to Auryn)
3.75% of the daily IGNIS issuance.
3.75% of the daily ESTAR issuance.
Last updated