The secondVAULT™ to be opened in the VestaX.Finance™ DEX is the Auxiliary Vesta.VAULT™. It represents the secondary use case for the Vesta, Sleeping-Vesta and Blessed-Vesta Tokens, via access to SSC rewards.
Reward Allocation:
Tier 3 Reward (Standard Vesta Power):
50 Primal-Vesta Allocation for the Auxiliary Vesta.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults)
Tier 2 Reward (Premium Vesta Power):
10% of DEX Fees distributed in OURO/USDC/vEGLD
Tier 1 Reward (Elite Vesta Power):
45% of Seasonal SSC rewards (varies with season)
VAULT™ Entry:
Blessed Vesta
Sleeping Vesta
Reward Allocation Mechanics
The VAULT™ earning mechanics are governed by 3 Vesta Powers:
Standard Vesta Power (Standard Rewards)
Premium Vesta Power (Premium Rewards)
Elite Vesta Power (Elite Rewards)
Vault Earning Mechanics
The individual VAULT™ powers are detailed below:
TIER 3 Rewards - Standard Vesta Power
The sum of all refined Vesta Variants in the VAULT™ determines the Standard Vesta Power.
The Standard Vesta Power governs the distribution of Standard Rewards.
Users' own Standard Vesta Power in the VAULT™ (staked amount of Vesta Token Variants) is compared to the total Standard Vesta Power of the VAULT™ (total sum of all staked Vesta Token Variants in the VAULT™) to determine their share of Raw-Vesta rewards.
The Multipliers that are available to boost Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
TIER 2 Rewards - Premium Vesta Power
Premium Vesta Power equals Standard Vesta Power multiplied by the DEB™.
The Premium Vesta Power governs the distribution of Premium Rewards.
Users' own Premium Vesta Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Premium Vesta Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of DEX-Fee rewards.
What DEX Fees pool resources here:
20% of all Pools Fees:
(0.4% from the 2% Fee Pools - the vEGLD Pools)
(1.0% from the 5% Fee Pools - Ouroboros Pools)
(2.0% from the 10 Fee Pools - Ouroboros-wBTC Pool, Ouroboros-wETH Pool)
10% of vEGLD-USDC Fees (0.4% from the 4% Fee)
0% of the GSC-USDC Fee, due to the nature of how physical Gold must be handled and maintained by its keepers and does not contribute to these rewards.
The fees are gathered in OURO, USDC and vEGLD, and are injected once per month.
TIER 1 Rewards - Elite Vesta Power
The Elite Vesta Power governs the distribution of Elite Rewards.
Users' own Elite Vesta Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Elite Vesta Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of Elite Rewards.
Last updated