The fifth and final final Vesta-based Vault is the Blessed Vesta.VAULT™. It is designed as a segregation tool between Minor and Major Liquidity Providers.
Reward Allocation:
Tier 3 Reward (Standard Rewards):
50 Primal-Vesta Allocation for the Blessed Vesta.VAULT™ (standard for all Vaults)
Tier 2 Reward (Premium Rewards):
20% of DEX Fees in USDC/vEGLD/OURO
1.25% of the daily Production of Multiple Tokens.
Tier 1 Reward (Elite Rewards)
Crypto Rewards:
25% of Seasonal wETH rewards (varies with season)
25% of Seasonal wBTC rewards (varies with season)
Precious Metals Rewards:
55% of Seasonal SSC rewards (varies with season)
55% of Seasonal GSC rewards (varies with season)
VAULT™ Entry:
Blessed Vesta
Reward Allocation Mechanics
The Vault earning mechanics are governed by 6 Blessed Powers:
Blessed Power (Standard Rewards)
Chimeric Blessed Power (Premium Rewards)
Major Blessed Power (Elite Rewards wBTC)
Minor Blessed Power (Elite Rewards wETH)
Golden Blessed Power (Elite Rewards GSC)
Silver Blessed Power (Elite Rewards SSC)
Vault Earning Mechanics
The Vault earning mechanics are governed by 3 Vesta Powers:
Tier 3 Rewards - Blessed Power
The amount of Blessed Vesta in the VAULT™ determines the Blessed Power. The Blessed Power governs the Standard Rewards. Users' own Blessed Power (staked amount of Blessed Vesta Tokens) in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Blessed Power of the VAULT™ (total sum of all staked Blessed Vesta Tokens in the VAULT™) to determine their share of Primal Vesta rewards. The Multipliers that are available to boost Refined Vesta Variants yields:
DEB (Demiourgos Elite Bonus)
VLM (Vesta Loyalty Multiplier)
IM (Individual Multiplier)
VM (Vesting Multiplier)
Tier 2 Rewards - Chimeric Power
Chimeric Blessed Power equals Blessed Power multiplied by the DEB™. The Chimeric Blessed Power governs the Chimeric Rewards in the Blessed Vesta VAULT™. Users' own Chimeric Blessed Power in the VAULT™ is compared to the total Chimeric Blessed Power of the VAULT™ to determine their share of Chimeric Rewards.
Tier 1 Rewards - Elite Powers (Major, Minor, Golden and Silver Blessed Power)
These Elite Powers governs the distribution of Elite Rewards.
Last updated